Design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA) is used as a basis for concurrent engineering studies to reduce cost and improve quality through design. The process is a multi disciplinary approach that can produce game changing results by critically analyzing a design with an eye towards ease of manufacturability, and ultimately ease of assembly. In order to help our customers meet their DFMA needs, we created Scitus Engineering, which handles our engineering and DFMA projects.

Through understanding the function of components, Scitus is often able to combine multiple parts or add simple, low cost features that reduce assembly time. They have reduced part counts by as much as 90% on complex projects, resulting in massive cost reductions. Our knowledge and experience with a wide range of manufacturing modalities allows us to rapidly evaluate projects to determine the best process for any given stage of a product’s life cycle.

Conducting a DFMA evaluation with Scitus is fast and easy. They use the latest in video conferencing and screen sharing technologies to reduce the need for time consuming and often expensive travel.

Learn more about Scitus Engineering, and how their services integrate with CCG’s manufacturing capabilities.

We have reduced part counts by as much as 90% on complex projects, resulting in massive cost reductions.